Tuxedo (short coat) : : Male (neutered) : : Baby : : Small
Thank you for your interest in providing a home for one of our rescued pets. Please understand that our process does not operate on a first-come basis. Our goal is to match each pet to the best family for that pet. We appreciate your patience because all our workers are volunteers with jobs and other responsibilities, we follow up as quickly as possible. SWEET LITTLE BOY!!!
Tyler was born 8/21/2017 and is a very Handsome Gray & White Tuxedo with boy with a tiny white tip on his tail.
He and his siblings were only a week old when the flooding came. His mom (Skylar) was frantic to move these babies to higher ground when she found a kind lady who brought them inside out of the storm. Tyler is such a curious, sweet, loving little boy with so much energy. He loves to play and needs a family who will love him forever! He has become such a little "Lap Cat" :) More about TylerGood with Cats Tyler's mother, Sky (aka Skylar) (available for adoption) can also be seen on our website.
Tyler's sister, Ynez (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Tyler's sister, Bridget (adopted) can also be seen on our website.