Contact Information
City: State: Zip Code:
Home Phone: Work Phone: Cell Phone:
Best Time to Call: Email Address:
Spouse's Name (if applicable):
Spouse's Occupation (if applicable):
Personal References
Reference 1:
Address: City: State:
Phone: Email Address:
Reference 2:
Address: City: State:
Phone: Email Address:
Application Questions:
1. Why do you want a dog?
2. Description of Residence: House Apartment Mobile Home Condo Other:
3. Do you: Rent Property Owner Name:
Own Length of time at current residence:
4. Do you have a fenced yard? Yes No Type: Wood Privacy Chain Link
Iron Other:
Height of Fence:
5. Number of people in household: Adults: Children:
6. Ages of Children:
7. Are you willing to let a representative of Paws Animal Rescue, Inc. visit your home by appointment? Yes No, if no why not?
8. Who will care for the dog?
9. Who will support this dog financially? Myself Spouse Parents Family Friend
Fenced Yard | Tied Outside | Loose Outside |
Kennel/Run | Garage | Patio/Balcony |
Inside Home | Other: |
10. Where will you keep this dog?
Fenced Yard | Tied Outside | Loose Outside |
Kennel/Run | Garage | Patio/Balcony |
Inside Home | Other: |
11. Where will you keep this dog at night?
Fenced Yard | Tied Outside | Loose Outside |
Kennel/Run | Garage | Patio/Balcony |
Inside Home | Other: |
12. Where will you keep this dog when you are not at home?
13. How many hours, on average, will this dog spend alone?
14. How many hours, on average, will this dog spend outside by itself?
15. If you do not have a fence, how will you handle this dog's exercise and toilet duties?
16. Please list all dogs and cats currently living at your address and any pets you have owned in the last three years:
Species | Breed | Name | Age | Sex | Altered | Vaccinated |
| M F | Y N | Y N |
| M F | Y N | Y N |
| M F | Y N | Y N |
| M F | Y N | Y N |
17. What happened to pets that are no longer with you?
18. Will you obedience train your dog? Yes No
19. Please describe your training plans:
20. Please describe the extent of care that you are willing to provide should your dog have special medical needs now or later in life:
21. Will you have your dog vaccinated annually by a veterinarian? Yes No
22. Please describe what you know about the causes and prevention of Heartworms:
23. Will you maintain your dog on heartworm preventative? Yes No
24. Do you currently have a veterinarian? Yes No
City: State: Zip Code:
25. Please indicate which dog you are interested in adopting:
By completing this form, you will assist us in establishing that you and your family are ready for the responsibilities of pet ownership. It will also aid us in determining which pet may best suit you and your lifestyle.
No animal will be adopted to prospective owners who mislead or fail to provide accurate information on the adoption application and/or the adoption contract. Paws reserve the right to refuse adoption to anyone.
I certify that the above information is true and that false information may result in nullifying this adoption.
Enter your name and date:
Name: Date: